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Referral information

Christmas Cheer 2024

Referrals for 2024 now closed

Thank you for your interest in joining us for our Christmas Cheer project in 2024. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to accept referrals for this project.

Join our Marmalade Connections project 

If you're not able to join us for Christmas this year, you may be interested in our free telephone service to find new, local connections!

Our Marmalade Connections project is a time-limited 1:1 project, running for 15 weeks, across much of the South West. Friendly volunteers make a weekly call to those involved to discuss their interests and needs. These conversations will lead to signposting to local social activities and community support, to improve social connections. The project enables people to make meaningful, long-lasting connections that bring them joy far beyond the program.


Please get in touch with our team if you would like to be involved.

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