Partnering with Famileo for Loneliness Awareness Week
What's new...
News, stories and insights from the team at Marmalade Trust
New report by The Cares Family sets out how to build social connection in communities
From loneliness to connection: How singer-songwriter Jack Watkins found inspiration
Loneliness Awareness Week goes Global
The silent epidemic: New research by Nextdoor
It started with a simple 'hello'
The City Girl Network join Loneliness Awareness Week
Our moments of connection
Celebrating the power of volunteers!
4 ways to feel less lonely in June
How trees teach us about connection
Here's why you should book a solo travel trip
Join in with the Month of Community
Volunteer for us
4 ways to feel less lonely in May
Advice from Psychotherapist John-Paul Davies
Our brand new website
Audiobooks exclusive offer...
Making meaningful connections when you have hearing loss
10 fundraising ideas for 2023