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Member stories | Helen

Marmalade Companions is a time-limited 1:1 project operating across Bristol, North Somerset and South Glos. Friendly volunteers make a weekly call to those involved to discuss their interests and needs. These conversations will lead to signposting to local social activities and community support, to improve social connections. The project enables people to make meaningful, long-lasting connections that bring them joy far beyond the program. 

Helen's story

For Helen, life has been lonely since her husband passed away. "The loneliness and the isolation... it makes me feel very low," she says. "Some days I don’t see a soul." Without children and facing the difficulties of making new friends, Helen found herself trapped in a cycle of feeling disconnected. "It’s really hard to make new friends when you’re feeling down. It makes you want to stay in."

Everything changed when Helen joined the Marmalade Companions project. She was matched with a friendly, trained volunteer who helped her reconnect with her local community. “My lovely volunteer never misses a call. We chat away very easily, about all sorts of things, including cats,” Helen shared.

The support from her volunteer has helped Helen rediscover activities she once enjoyed. "She asked me about what I like to do and things I used to enjoy. It’s been really helpful to talk about ideas and think about what might be possible." With this encouragement, Helen returned to her knitting club and was even introduced to another small group to attend on a different day.

Helen enjoying our Summer Party

"I’ve met a few new people so far," Helen said, "and I feel more positive. It’s getting easier to make new friends and talk to people."

Reflecting on the impact of the Marmalade Companions project, Helen added, "The project has been important to me because I feel it has brought me together with people again."

After spending so much time alone, the chance to build new friendships has given her a fresh outlook. “My hopes for the future? I just want to be friends with people!”


How we help in our area

As well as our national and international campaigns which raise awareness of loneliness, Marmalade Trust runs projects which support those most at risk from experiencing loneliness in our region. 


Our most long-running project is our annual Christmas Cheer lunch in the Bristol, South Glos. and the North Somerset area for our ‘Marmalade members’, older and vulnerable people who would otherwise be by themselves on Christmas Day. 


We also run our Marmalade Companions project. Trained volunteers empower and support older people to new activities, social connections and friendships in their local community. 

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