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Corporate support

Could your organisation work with Marmalade Trust®?

Let's get to work 

Charitable support for Marmalade Trust® is a great way to engage staff, customers, and key stakeholders while meeting your corporate social responsibilities. We work locally in Bristol and our awareness campaigns stretch nationally and internationally. By helping us, your company can make a huge impact on local communities as well as reach our global audience. 

There are so many ways you can partner with us to make a difference:

  • A one-off or regular financial gift

  • Sharing the skills and expertise of your staff to support us

  • Holding fundraising events or considering us as your charity of the year

  • Grants to help us run specific projects, like our Christmas Cheer events 

  • Sponsoring an event

  • Introducing us to your networks

Get in touch

If you are a business, charity or foundation, and would like to be part of our mission to raise awareness of loneliness and help people make new friendships, please contact our team. We would love to hear from you. For updates on our latest projects and exciting plans, please sign up for our newsletter. 

Recent corporate champions...

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A special makeover

Barratt Homes & David Wilson Homes offered a garden makeover to help a Marmalade member experiencing loneliness feel valued and more connected. 

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Wiper and True

Bristol-based brewery Wiper and True chose us as their May Charity Partner and generously donated a percentage of their sales to support Marmalade Trust. 


Lushous donations

Bristol City Centre's LUSH store donated 100% of the proceeds of their Charity Pots and helped us spread the word about our important work to the public.


Cheers to that!

Our partnership with HEINEKEN UK sees us working together on initiatives to raise awareness of loneliness and help people to get more connected.

How corporate support helps us change lives

Marmalade Trust® is a leading loneliness charity for all ages. Based in Bristol, UK, we are a small charity with a big mission - and the momentum is growing. Watch the video below to learn more about our partnership with HEINEKEN UK or visit our About Us page to learn more about our charity.

Recent corporate partners include...


“The money raised for the Marmalade Trust through our partnership will help them continue their purpose of raising awareness of loneliness and how it can affect every one of us, and putting in place ways to help people.”

James Crampton, Corporate Affairs Director, HEINEKEN UK

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